Smarten your home.. Simply your life!
Who We Are

W e at INKA help you automate your home and thus initiate a smarter lifestyle. There is an INKA solution to cater to your every home automation need – simply choose the features you want. INKA systems can be retrofitted into exiting buildings and can be installed into new constructions also.

Our Team at INKA have more than 25 years experience in the field of electronics and IT. With our combined technical knowledge and knowledge of the Indian market, we have built the perfect system, that is reliable, simple and yet state of the art!

What Can INKA Do

Imagine living in a home that obeys your every command...where virtually every device and system can be controlled remotely and fully automated. You can use your tablet/smartphone to control your surveillance, dim the lights, lock the doors, turn on your AC, from not just anywhere in your house–but from anywhere in the world.

INKA home automation system is designed to give you peace of mind. The app is extremely easy to use, for people from all age groups.INKA systems are very reliable and built to suit indian conditions.